• Can children be wise?

    High school and elementary school students were taught wisdom skills such as emotional intelligence, mindfulness, empathy, compassion, gratitude, realism & humility. Relative to control group students, treatment group students demonstrated significant reductions in anger, anxiety, depression, and disruptive behaviors. Presented at the American Psychological Association in 2018 in San Francisco, CA.

  • Learning wisdom sooner rather than later

    A decade of studies confirms that children can learn wisdom related skills such as empathy, compassion, mindfulness, gratitude, realism, emotional intelligence, and forgiveness. These skills mediate school-age challenges such as dropping out of school, teen pregnancies, delinquency, eating disorders, bullying, and drunk driving.

  • Lit Review: Wisdom skills in schools

    School Based Training of Children and Adolescents in Wisdom Skills: major findings in the areas of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Empathy & Compassion, Social‐Emotional Learning, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Humility.